This is one step each student of aesi should do. Why so early you might ask ?
This is not early, in fact i feel this is the best time for any aesi student.
Writing the resume will help you focus on yourself in terms of market. it will force you to see what are your skills are, it will show you your motivation for what you want to do after aesi. And most importantly resume writing at this stage will expose you to the gaps that you have before you get employed.
Writing and posting it on net do have other important advantages. Most of the job sites has this facility of sending you job recommendation based on your resume, so once your resume is online you will get jobs matching them. This is one place where you can see what you are best suited for.
The posting are many times targeted so this will also show the skills that are in demand for people of your profile
You might know some aerospace companies related to your field but this posts that you will get in your mail will also highlight other similar companies that you might have missed or don't know about.
Another advantage is. Now you might have one main skill but from the jobs notifications that you receive in your email, you will know about the additional skills that are needed apart from the main skills for the kind of job you will be working.
For example, when i listed compressor design in my resume, i also saw that most of the compressor design firms used cad and a basic knowledge of those tool was an added advantage, so i used that tip and learnt solidworks
Not all jobs post will be relevant but those that will be. You can get some good tips. So get going get your first resume ready. How do you like the tips? Do you have another one that you want to add?