Dear AeSI Engineers & Students,
I have noted that in recent years that AeSI Engineers after course completion are opting for easy way out of having practical training paid or unpaid in various facilities provided by AeSI. Please be advised that its always better to have difficult route of going through Written test and Interview and prove your self best in Aerospace Engineering sector.
If you guys have studied honestly for AeSI, there is no need to be feeling scared or insecure. I had been through same AeSI Graduation and I never opted for Practical Training or OJT offered by AeSI since I was hired immediately after AeSI Graduation as Scientist (Engineer) proper role and had also qualified with Engineering Services Exam using same AeSI Graduation. It all comes down to level of commitment in your studies. Please be advised that OJT or Practical Training is not accountable as Position of Responsibility as far as Professional Development of Engineer goes.
I hope all new AeSI Engineers will keep this factors in mind when doing there Professional Development.
I read this above mail of Mr. Bishnujee? First thing that came to my mind was what the heck is he talking? But after some moments contemplation I realized the full meaning of his words.
I have a friend who waited for 4 months to come to Bangalore to do OJT provided by AeSI. All this time he was at his native place. It is this kind of students Bishnujee was aiming in that mail! Yes as I said this in my previous post that your last semester in AeSI is the most important. If one is keen and follows the tips I laid there, he or she might not need OJT or unpaid training. It’s his skills and knowledge and the AMAESI degree that will land him a job.
I am not saying training is irrelevant, but as Bishnujee pointed out it’s not the only option. If you are well prepared, then landing a job won't be difficult.
Confidence + degree + skills = job
After AeSI, this is the recipe for landing a job. So if you can develop this 3 while studying for AeSI then you need no training.
What are your thoughts regarding this? IS training really necessary ? Do share your views in comments.
Related : Things to do in your last semester of AeSI!