I took a screen shot of the job requirement posting in ouraesi club. And surprising one term showed very frequently in all the current as well as past requirements. Have a look and learn to use it to your advantage in your next job search.
And what perhaps is more surprising is that very few people take it seriously while sending there resume to this requirement. Take a look at the screen shot.

Yes its hand calculation. If you have cleared society then its pretty much sure that you are already good at it. But what surprised me was how so many of aesi folks, including myself, missed the opportunity of showing this was our advantage in resume and fail to highlight this in our cover letters.
Since aesi's question are as unpredictable as the monsoons, so aesi prepares us to read thoroughly. and all this factors contribute that generally aesi folks are better prepared in hand calculations.
So next time you send your resume, mention this in your resume and highlight in your cover letter.