Friends, With reference to my earlier posts in OURAeSI & Aeronautical_Society_of_India groups, I have been experiencing problems in saggregating the resumes. Most of you do not care at all to write your "JOB CODE" and "YEARS OF EXPERIENCE", without which it becomes "Time - Consuming " to go through each and every resume and scan your details. Kindly note, I am not a HR whose sole responsibility is to scan the resume details. At times it becomes very annoying when candidates simply attach their CV , without any subject and covering e-mail. After observing this, childish style of response, my internal urge to help my friends/AeSI mates has started taking a back seat. Everyone should understand that when there are numerous JOB-CODES and 100(s) of resumes to segregate , it becomes a tedious job to run across it. On a weekly /fortnightly basis I receive a good number of requirements from my HR department, but due to the above said problems faced, I find it hard to circulate the requirement details over the group post.
Finally , this goes for the collective subscribers for OURAeSI as well as Aeronautical_Society_of_India, that :
(1) Please read the requirement carefully.
(2) Before sending your resume, go through it yourself carefully and estimate how much you fit the bill.
(3) Do put your desired JOB CODE for which you want to apply for and also your YEARS OF EXPERIENCE in the subject line of your e-mail.
Finally, this goes without saying , that your application is a very crucial step in getting you known by the company. Hence, to strengthen your candidatures make sure you fulfill the criteria of above (1), (2) and (3) before sending your resume/CV.
I expect every candidate will take special care in this regard, as this is your own career.
Best Regards
Shashank SHARMA
realted : Before rushing your resume to latest requirements