After june 2008 amaesi exminations, bishnujee's message to aesi students.
Here's the mail that Bishnujee wrote address all the aesi students after the june 2008 amaesi exams. I like most of it and I have made the part bold that every aesi students should follow if he/she wants to excel in his/her career.
Dear AeSI Engineers & Students,
I believe all of you done with your AeSI June Semester examination and all of you should have given your best for same.Just wanted to inform you guys that this year some AeSI Engineer has been admitted in Cranfield University,UK for MSc in Propulsion Engineering . Cranfield is rated at same level as Havard Business School in UK for Aerospace Engineering and the intake is low and carefully screened out.
Still as I have advised most of you that most important aspect in your career should be your experience after AeSI Degree completion and there is no substitute for that whatever career you choose for in future.As you might now already be aware that IIT,IISc,MIT Graduates work in same companies in same position just like any other AeSI Graduates working for this concern.Also AeSI has now been accrediated as British Honours Degree in Aeronautical Engineering which includes Old syllabus Engineers too by Department of Skills & work ,UK Govt (NARIC,UK) which has been good news for AeSI Engineering Graduates.
Another aspect which all AeSI Students should take care of during academic period is that they need to have through knowledge of subjects to excel in there career and there should be not be attitude of just going through previous question papers to pass in this examination. All the best to all of you and good luck with current examination!