Same is true with a resume, a resume without an accompanying cover letter just doesn't have the punch. Just like presence of sachin gives confidence to the indian team, a cover letter increase your resumes's success rate.
So increase your chances by attaching a good well written cover letter with all the resumes that you shoot off from your email.
Here i will show a sample cover letter and discuss the structure.
An effective cover letter must have an catchy introduction, professional main body and memorable conclusion.
{intro, write from where you have got the information of the job and it should also mention for which post you are applying for}
{highlight your experience relevant to the post you are applying, if the job is for catia, highlight the experience relevant to it, if its for propulsion highlight that one}
{Highlight one skill that is relevant to the post and the skills that you want the recruiter to notice while browsing through your resume.}
{Conclude showing you know about the organization. Research the company you are applying for and mention something in your conclutions that shows that you know about the company.}
Here's one sample cover letter.
I am interested in working as an {the post name} in your organization and applying for the job listed at naukri.com. I am a graduate of aeronautical engineering from aeronautical society of india, New Delhi.
I am a good learner with relevant experience as trainee in NAL & Indian airlines. I have worked on {write here things relevant to post you are applying}. Additionally i have been involved in the project related to {the things that you don't have so much idea but are relevant to the job you are applying}
As you will see in my resume, {write the things that you want to highlight in your resume, it might be the the extra skills combination, or any experience }
I have enclosed my resume as a first step in exploring the possibilities of employment with your organization, which is { write something relevant about the organization} { This step will show that you have done research on the company}
As an aeronautical engineer with your organization, I would bring a focus on quality and ease of use to your system development and performances of the work delivered to me. furthermore, I work well with others.
I would appreciate your keeping this inquiry confidential. I am really thankful to you to give me your precious time. Thank you for your time and consideration. Hope to receive a call from you.
Thank you