That conversation with him promted me to check out some books on catia that are available in india, so i did a quick book search on "CATIA books, INDIA" this is what i found.
Astronomical book prices!!!
Catia Reference Guide by author Carman Paul published by OnWord Pre is sold at a price of Rs.6400 That expensive by any standards.
Another one by the same author "Inside catia with cdrom", had a similar price tag of Rs 6102. Others were at the price of Rs 4800.
While only one book came under 500 rupees. Below is the link of the only CATIA book that is available under 500 rupees. I think this book is affordable and priced better for students.
Catia for engineers and designer V5r15
Its available in landmark book stores and if you are comfortable buying online Rediff is selling this book with free shopping. And doing a little search on the book i found that this book contains
· Detailed explanation of CATIA V5R15 commands and tools
· More than 35 real-world mechanical engineering designs as tutorials and projects with step-by-step explanation
· Emphasis on Why and How with explanation
· Tips and Notes throughout the textbook
· 624 pages with heavily illustrated text
· Self-evaluation tests and Exercises at the end of each chapter
Prefer reading few chapters of the book before buying it then do check this link. This site has few chapters avilable for free as PDF ebooks. I just download one small ebook from the link aboveand it was a 46 pages! Great! I think you should check this site if you are looking for a good catia ebook.
If you are looking for CATIA models to practice then look at this link. You can download the models to play around and learn.
You can find more CATIA tutorials by using this tool that i have blog about.