Reach the exam center well ahead of time.
A 30 minutes before you are supposed to enter the exam hall can be your benchmark, but this you can decide according to your needs and situation, but ideally at least 30 minutes more is the optimum time to physcic yourself for the exams.
Don't compare yourself with others, specially just before exams.
Don't judge yourself with others. You are not reading or pouring over your books because you are not the other guy. Everyone is different and have their own personal style. You stick to yours. Don't follow the herd. If you like reading and running your eye on the important points so be it, do it and don't think of the other folks Or else if you prefer just to loiter.. suit yourself. Do what comes natural, forget what the next guy is doing.
Distract your mind.
If you are the other type. Take help from your mobile. get it out and play a game, challenge yourself with small challenge. Do anything thats not related to study. Remember cricketer use this technique and they relax by playing football. A game entirely different than the cricket. So use something. Figure out what suits you. Don't worry about the exams which are just minutes away. If you have studied well and your preparation is ok. Be assure your mind will give you results. If no mobile use something else, you aim is to keep your mind occupied in something else than studies or the exam.
In the examination hall.
Now you are in the examination hall, everyone is taking out there exams pen and are keeping there bag and stuff outside and getting to there seat. Now you are alone, you are not supposed to talk, the examiners are in the hall arranging their stuff. Take deep breadths, go through your plan for the question paper. Remember how will you proceed with the paper. Remain cool. just wait for the papers to be distributed.
Now you got the question paper
Don't begin as soon as you get the paper, read the questions before you get to attempt them. Once you have a cursory glance at the questions begin with the one you know. Keep track of the time but don't hurry. Setting time per question is not the way, set time by hour. 3 big questions in an hour is how i set my time in my exams days in AeSI.
Hope this tips and simple techniques will help you in your exams. Best of luck. and be sure to give in your ways of decompressing before exams in the comments !