Looking for ebooks on aerodynamics, gas tubines or propulsion or any other topic. Well here one cool tool apart from google that will help you get it.

The tool is PDF search engine. This is search engine which lets you search ebooks,pdf documents and download them. Just enter the search term and it presents you with the direct link to download the copy or it might present a torrent link, which can be downloaded using the torrent client.
The tool is great not only because of the clean and clear look but for the information it get you. As you can see from this i have tried searching gas turbine engines and i found it there!
Some ideas on using it.
Preparing for interview, need a pdf on some topic, come to pdf search engine, you are bound to get something that will be useful.
Students can use it to find ebooks of the books that are not available in market.
Learning a new skill, like solidworks or catia, search some tutorials here.
learning fortran or C language. dig in.
So what are you waiting for enjoy!!!