Can anyone reading this update me, what's going on in regards to DRDO SET? Can an aesi folk give the DRDO SET test? I know he can. So why is the group and aesi folks silent about it. Why no discussuion. Has DRDO gone out of aesi's folks radar?
Anyway, i was browsing though my old harddisk, back from my aesi days, i found this good interview summary. It was stored as a plain text file in my computer, so i have no idea where i got this from, if someone knows the person do let me know i will mention the credits.
Basically the guy who wrote this was doing mechnical engineerring and these is the synapsis of the whole DRDO interview process that he went through after passing DRDO SET exams.
1. When you have completed your graduation?
2. Where you are working now?
3. What are your favorite subjects?
1) Machine design
2) Thermodynamics
Board member 1:
1. You have to design a spring. What types of stresses are induced in spring?
2. Can you show the distribution of stresses?
3. What is elastic constant?
4. On what thermodynamic cycle nuclear power plant works?
5. Name fuels used in nuclear power plant?
6. What is enrichment of fuel in nuclear power plant?
7. What is breeder reactor?
8. If I want to set a power plant in desert of ‘Rajasthan’ and I have option of steam and gas power plant. Which plant I should set up?
Board member 2:
1. What is mean by failure in design?
2. You have to design a machine component. For what type of failure (ductile or brittle) you will design?
3. On what property u can distinguish material as brittle or ductile?
4. What is strength based and deformation based design?
5. What is mean twist of shaft?
6. Whether ductile material can fail in brittle manner? When?
7. What is the behavior of metal at low temperature?
Board member 3:
1. Wha=t do you mean by tolerances?
2. What do you mean by fits?
Board member 4:
1. What is entropy?
2. Can u give example of increase of entropy?
3. What is zero entropy?
Board member 1:
1. If a mother kisses her baby whether entropy in process increases?
1. What is absolute entropy?
2. On which thermodynamics cycle cooling towers works?
3. Where throttling process is used?
4. Throttling is which thermodynamic process/
5. Whether temperature increases or decreases after throttling?
6. Why there is change in temperature though mass is constant?
Board member 5:
1. What is ideal fluid?
A metal rod is heated in furnace. It is now allowed to cool in ambient environment. One time it is hanged vertically and in second case horizontally. In which case it will cool faster?
My Comment:
This was not a stress interview. They listen me patiently. Whenever I said I don’t know the answer they have provide me clue for answer.
Well that's it. So what can we aesi folks can learn from the whole script. What is your favourite subject is one of the important question in any technical interviews and more so if you are a fresher. This is where the whole technical interview revolves. See how many questions are centred around the answer the guy gave about his fav subjects.
In my next post i will post another DRDO interview that was posted in ouraesi long back in 2003. There are lot to learn from it, not only about the DRDO interview process but also about interview handling techniques in general.