AeSI is collecting and maintaining a database of the all aesi engineers. Here's official news extracted from aesi's enews.
Export of professional services is one of the identified key areas for economic development in the eleventh Five Year Plan of the country. Accordingly, a nodal agency on professional services, Consultancy Development Centre (CDC) under the Deptt of Science & Technology(GOI), has invited under mentioned details in soft copy in respect of Consultants/ Engineers/Technologists/Scientists/Academicians etc.
a) Name with contact details (e mail id)
b) Educational and professional qualifications
c) Area of specialization
d) Nature of projects/activities
CDC would be disseminating the information to various client organizations and other users of consultancy services, as well as information on consultancy opportunities would be collected and disseminated amonget the members enlisted in the data base.
The Society Members desirous of getting their names included in the data base may forward the stated details to the AeSI HO on priority.
Read the enews here