As the description of the blog says, this blog is my way of contributing and commenting on the happening of OURAeSI club, India's first and biggest congress of AMAeSI students and aerospace community!!!
So I thought why not paste some of the good posts of the club here in this blog?
Well the advantages are many, most of the times this pearls (which I would like them to be called) do get burdened and hard to find under hundreds of emails of jobs post and many forwards in the club. So let this blog be the place where we pate those gems for easy retrievals!!! Sounds fine to me.
And so here I go.
This post is by Mr. Sudhir Joshi Sr.Design Engineer Infotech(Pratt & Whitney Division), himself an AeSI'ians! I like this post and have seen many of my friends in the category Mr. Sudhir Joshi mentioned. Its nice to read such stuff and so here is it for all my blog readers!!!
Dear All
I have gone thru the mail below and felt that still some kind of a gap in
communication is missing.
some may be very positive towards A.M.Ae.S.I and some may be 50:50, and some
felt its worth to do after all its not B.E rather equivalent.
yes I understand if you have less than 60% in aggregate its tough to get job
but this does not apply only to A.M.Ae.S.I its applies every where , if you
have a B.Tech Degree less than 65% its of no use.
We fell good to be Ae.S.I graduates as it has got an excellent recognition
compare to a graduate from any other Engineering colleges .
Getting 60 % in A.M.Ae.S.I is equivalent to 80% of B.Tech.
you will finds A.M.Ae.S.I grduates everywhere around the world from leading
organization like Boeing,Rolls Royce, G.E, Pratt& Whitney, DRDO, HAL, ISRO,
VSSC, ADA, TCS, Honeywell, Infotech, Quest, Textron, Snecma, GoodRich.
I'll say its difficult for a B.Tech to get a job rather its very easy for an
Ae.s.I to get a job if he is having 60% and now a days when you have a
common platform like OurAeSI its very easy to get 60%+ , where all your
doubts and carifications can be cleared.
Even we can arrange some sort of materials if some one required.
Its a platform for youngster to boost there knowledge in the Aerospace field
and make India as an Aerospace Hub.
I sugest,
1. Getting an idea to join Aerospace itself is a great. An ordinary person
will never think in this field
2. Doing this from Aeronautical Society of India is of Great value be sure
and have full confidence in yourself and We are sure ,with a positive
approach nothing in this world in impossible even the word impossible spells
3. you need not have to work like horse , just work hard as usual, don't
neglect the things , be specific , always have positive approach , then at
last you will come out with a Degree that will fulfill your dreams,
Best Wishes to ALL Aero Guys.
" Confidence is the most important single factor in the game, and no matter how great your natural talent, there is only one way to obtain and sustain it: work." Jack Nicklaus
well guys and gals, this was my choice of a pearl, if you have your own and want to mention is so please drop me a line, I will surely give it a thought!!!
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