Thursday, January 31, 2008

Mistakes fresh AeSI graduates do in their Interview

Recently my friends at a turbo machinery company were conducting some interviews for their firm...

From the experience that they had and the discussion we had after that, I have concluded this 3 points that ails a recent graduate from aeronautical society of India.

They lack interview skills and manners.

They are under prepared

They bluff and don't even stand by those bluffs

AeSI should mean quality!! You know you have the disadvantage of not having a well known entity backing you. So And AeSI graduate needs extra care to present him or her. Your degree and the Institution is not well publicized, so make an extra effort to be professional, presentable and prepared.

When I was in NAL, we were a lot of 3-4 aesi graduates working as paid/unpaid training, but in that lot I had seen that they respected there degree and made efforts to show it in good light. When they prepared a resume, that was well prepared , when they went for interview, they researched the company and were prepared to handle questions arising from their resumes.

As I have previously stated in my previous post "How to prepare for interview after AeSI", your resume is the first impression and this is where most questions will come out so know what you have written there and be there to backup what you have stated.

My advice and strong urge to a recent graduate is to be professional, respect your degree and be prepared when you are heading for an interview!

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