1. Do all the stuff. Don't get depressed during the exams. Even if the question paper is unexpected, way different than you had imagined. Stay focussed. According to Mr. Natrajan sir. Take a deep breath, Relax yourself and then begin doing what you can with the question paper without thinking anything else. You will find as you go the paper is not that difficulty as it seemed at first. remember its all in your attitude.
2. Be neat and clean with the paper. Live lot of white spaces and a combination of blue black pen for heading will enhance the acceptability of your answer sheet as it shows that you were serious about the paper.
3. Handwriting though not very important but it should be legible and recognizable. You don't want to frustrate the paper checker with lousy illegible handwriting.
4. Choose questions wisely. Not only is accuracy is important but you must choose the question that will require less time. Examination is all about checking your mental abilities and the choices you make will decide how far you score. Sometime a simple question is lengthy but you have a choice of a tricky question which will be short. So if you have the confidence that you can do the tricky one go for it. Time management as well as your confidence in topics should enable you to decide on the questions you want to attempt.
5. Concentrate on the paper and nothing else. Don't think of any other thing. During the exams its only the exam that matters, don't speculate of make scenarios in examination hall. You are their to write an exam and do just that. This way you will avoid silly mistakes.
6. And Most important thing is to read the question carefully and understand what is asked and then answer it. You are supposed to answer what is asked and not what you know. So while answering do remember this.
Related links
5 tips for studying for exams
My way of decompressing while preparing for exams
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Secret of clearing AeSI!
Visit www.aesi.org or http://www.csirwebistad.org/aesi/ for the examination dates.