Why? Is the enews dying? Is AeSI silently dumping the whole thing!!! I
don't know for sure but it looks like. Here is a screenshot of the
newsletter section of aesi's site!!
ffc/s144/enewsletter.png" />
By the way, tell me how many of you actually read the thing? What are your
opinion on the enews and its apparent silent death?
Did it help you in any way? And the big question is of course why AeSI is
dumping it.
I liked it, though the content needs more improvement but that was a start
from aesi's part. All in all i liked the effort and I would guess that it
would have matured if it were to continue...
I sound like the Enews is already dead. Maybe its not. Maybe AeSI folks were
too busy with exams results and the AGM that they forgot about enews!!
Anyway please do send in your thoughts.....