Hi folks
Last friday while tweaking with c program, i made this
filecataloger program. This program basically catalogs all the files
in my system and as i learned after using it, there were lots of gem
files that i had in my computer but long forgotten.
One of this file was and information on What MATLAB can do? I
don't know the exact source of the article from where i have saved
this, but then its an usefull info for anyone to know, so i am
posting it in this blog.
Technical professionals worldwide rely on MATLAB to accelerate their
research, compact the time invested in analysis and development,
reduce project costs, and produce effective solutions. The MATLAB
environment encourages creativity and enables you to quickly test and
compare multiple alternatives. As a result, you produce better
Users have found that the combination of the intuitive MATLAB
interface, language, and the built-in math and graphics functions make
MATLAB the preferred platform for technical computing compared to C,
Fortran, and other languages and applications.
MATLAB includes tools for:
Data acquisition
Data analysis and exploration
Visualization and image processing
Algorithm prototyping and development
Modeling and simulation
Programming and application development
MATLAB handles a range of computing tasks in engineering and science,
from data acquisition and analysis to application development. The
MATLAB environment integrates mathematical computing, visualization,
and a powerful technical language. Built-in interfaces let you quickly
access and import data from instruments, files, and external databases
and programs. In addition, MATLAB lets you integrate external routines
written in C, C++, Fortran, and Java with your MATLAB applications.
With a user community more than 500,000 strong spread throughout
industry, government, and academia, MATLAB is the recognized standard
worldwide for technical computing. MATLAB is used in a variety of
application areas, including signal and image processing, control
system design, earth and life sciences, finance and economics, and
instrumentation. The open architecture makes it easy to use MATLAB and
companion products to explore data and create custom tools that
provide early insights and competitive advantages.
Key Features
Numeric computing for quick and accurate results
Graphics to visualize and analyze your data
Interactive language and programming environment
Tools for building custom GUIs
Integrate with external applications comprised of C, C++, Fortran,
Java, COM components and Excel
Support for importing data from files and external devices and for
using low-level file I/O (plus access to databases and additional
hardware via add-on products)
Conversion of MATLAB applications to C and C++ with the Compiler
This broad set of capabilities makes MATLAB an ideal home base for
developing solutions to technical problems.
Trusted Mathematics and Numeric Computing Functions
With more than 600 mathematical, statistical, and engineering
functions, MATLAB gives you immediate access to high-performance
numeric computing. The numerical routines are fast, accurate, and
reliable. These algorithms, developed by experts in mathematics, are
the foundation of the MATLAB language. The core math engines
incorporate the well-respected LAPACK and BLAS linear algebra
subroutine libraries and FFTW signal processing library, embedding the
state-of-the-art in mathematical computation directly into MATLAB.
The math is optimized for matrix and vector operations, so you can use
it in place of low-level languages like C and C++, with equal
performance but less programming. With an extensive collection of
optimized math routines built right in, MATLAB frees engineers and
scientists to focus on their real work, avoiding the time-consuming
tasks of looking for, developing, debugging, and maintaining homegrown
MATLAB provides many functions for performing mathematical operations
and analyzing data, including functions for working with:
Matrices and linear algebra -matrix arithmetic, linear equations,
eigenvalues, singular values, and matrix factorizations
Polynomials and interpolation -- standard polynomial operations such
as polynomial roots, evaluation, differentiation, curve fitting and
partial fraction expansion Signal processing - digital filters, fast
Fourier transforms (FFTs), and convolution Data analysis and
statistics - descriptive statistics, data pre-processing, regression,
curve fitting, data filtering Function functions -- MATLAB functions
that work with mathematical functions instead of numeric arrays,
including plotting, optimization, zero finding, and numerical
integration (quadrature)
Differential equations - solving differential equation problems
including: initial value problems for ordinary differential equations
(ODEs) and differential-algebraic equations (DAEs), delay differential
equations, boundary value problems for ODEs, and initial-boundary
value problems for systems of parabolic and elliptic partial
differential equations (PDEs)
Sparse matrices - covering both specialized and general mathematical
operations, including iterative methods for sparse linear equations
Add-on toolboxes maximize the mathematical power of MATLAB
Add-on toolboxes - collections of MATLAB functions and interfaces -
allow you to apply even more mathematical computing power to your
technical problems. Available toolboxes address applications requiring
signal processing, optimization, statistics, symbolic math, partial
differential equation solving, curve fitting, and more.