Those you know me,they know that for the last 6+ months or more games
development specially for my MotoRokr phone is my fav pass time. And
just like in my previous work as design engineer in NAL, i simulate
peformance of a gas turbine engine, here in javascripts games that i
write, i simulate the environment of the game.
In the latest game that i'm working write now is on based on riding a
aircraft. No its not a flight simulator, but a small aircraft flying
around in environment. I am simulating that part. The game is still
untitled and still under development. The basic aim of the game is to
fly the aircraft without falling and without any incident with the
other things. So its a pure joy experience of manuvering your plane.
now i have the i have idea of making the aircraft more agile.
one more game that is still in mind is related to chandrayaan, india's
first mission to moon. I want to make something related to that. A
game that is interesting and catches the spirit of india's giant leap.