
Monday, January 01, 2007

Links to great posts

What do I do about the gaps in my resume ?
How to write successful resume?
Resume tips from my experience
10 reasons why your resume may get rejected?
10 great resume writing tips from the Emurse blog
Can you offer me a job ?
How to prepare for an interview after AeSI?
what to write in a cover letter ?
Tips for Telephonic interveiw ?
What hiring managers hate in your resume?
Resume your first impression ?
Resumes and coverletter?
50 common interveiw questions?
List of Various job sites?

Three things I've learned in NAL - revisited
Three things you must give a thought before you embark on your training mission!!
What i got from my training in NAL?
Confused about Training after AMAeSI?
Working as a Trainee is an oportunity, utilize it...

AeSI gems
Always invest in your curiosities ?
I am prooud of AeSI and AMAeSI ?
Are you seeing the BIG picture?
Why learn programming?
Scope of FORTRAN ?
I am proud to be an AeSI'an
Why learn FORTRAN ?
Big Secret of AeSI
Fullfill your dreams with AeSI


Tips and skill set advice for Avionics people
Know about GPA required for studying aborad after AMAeSI.
Want to do Ms and Turbomachinery in UK and US
5 great tips for studying for AMAeSI exams?
NASTRAN what???????????
Solidworks or Catia ?
MATLAB ? Who created it ?
My ten hours with ANSYS?
Advantages of studying in library?
Bhaiya how to study Propulsion-1
What is ANSYS? Tutorials...
What is CATIA?
What is NASTRAN?
6 great tips for AMAeSi exams?
4 things to remember for effective revisions for exams
6 lessons i learnt while in GIE?