
Monday, January 05, 2009

3 things to study before you head for an interview.

I was involved in couple interviews this last month and as I was experiencing the interview process once again I got reminded of the basics that a person going for interview must study before he heads for an interview. So I jotted down the main points of this post as I awaited my call for the interview along with the other candidates.

1. Study the requirements clearly.

This is the first step, not knowing the requirement is just like not know knowing where to aim at, not knowing what to shoot and not knowing  where you are headed. So first and foremost point is get to know the requirements, what are they looking for, what skills they desire, how much experience they want and have listed on the requirement.

2. Study your cv.

Yes your CV, the CV that brought you to the interview, ascertain what attracted your resume to the requirement, what your CV has that makes you good for the job, how the skills and experience listed in your cv matches to the requirement and what are the skills and points that you can highlight during the interview from your CV that match with the requirement.

3. Study your projects and basics of what you have written in your resume.

Take special note of the experience and the projects you have written, rehearse what those projects are and be prepared to tell someone in simple terms if you are ask you to explain a particular project, know the basics of the projects. If you have done a project on transient performance analysis of gas turbines, be prepared to answers with the questions on gas turbine basics. Likewise if stress analysis of centrifugal compressor is your forte then be prepared to answers basic questions regarding stresses and compressor.


Will studying the above 3 things will only help secure you that job? Well yes it will help but articulating what you know in the interview will be the main deal. So practice your answers before hand. Don’t have a bookish answers but do have general idea on what and how to answers. Frame your answers based on your knowledge of the requirement, on what you written on your cv and to highlight the skills that are required for the job. Answer in a way to highlight the points on your resume that fit with the requirement.

So this are some of the ways one can prepare for a technical interview. Remember that in an interview (or in a job) you will only succeed if your skills, experience and most of all your interest match!!


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