
Tuesday, January 06, 2009

New year resolutions (goals)

a friend of mine called yesterday and told me his resolutions. One of them was to get married and other was not to fall in love but have someone fall in love with him mine new year goals are not as loftier as his but they are related to some small improvements that I want to do. So here are some of them that I want to do.

Get up early. I need to wake it a habit of getting up by 530am. I have done it for a few days in the last year but this year i am aiming to make it as a life long habit.

Write one post daily. I have written a post on how Australian team is very consistent and what might be the reason behind them, so i am using the same principles in that post to post at least one post in this blog everyday. So expect regular post from this blog from now. you will know when i lapse.

Bath before 8am. This may seem like a weird goal to make but it is worthy as in the previous year this was the one thing that i have being reminded by my mom and wife. so this year i plan to get up early and bath early no matter what. so will be cleaner this year. :)

Outside of my work i will work on 12 projects this year, that is one project per month and this projects will be not related to work. I have seen in the last year i have lost most of my knowledge because of non use, it got rusted and when i needed it it has to be tugged and shoveled to bring it out, so this year i have decided that i will work on 12 projects that will use my existing knowledge and create some fun and useful stuff that can be shared with the world. It can be an ebook, a series of tutorials on how to do stuff in solidworks or scripting or something related to aircraft design.

Each year i learn or adopt a new skill. Last year i learnt Photoshop and JavaScript and mastered it and in 2006 i leant VBScript  and year previous to that i learnt solidworks and ansys, so this year i have decided to take up python scripting language. i intend to learn that to an acceptable level of competence. Its a language i have chosen. why and what i will write in some other post.

So this are some of the broad goals (i don’t like then to call as resolutions) that i have made for myself. Posting them here for the first time so that i can be held accountable and i hope they will push me and i will have some good stuffs to share with you along the way.

so what are your new years goals? How are you increasing your skills ? what new stuff you want to learn this year? Do share in the comments.

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