
Sunday, January 04, 2009

3 tips to drive away exam anxiety while studying for exams

Well exams are long over so I am bit late in posting this but hey I had it ready by November and from then onwards I was bit lazy and sometime universe conspired against my not posting this.

so lets give you 3 tips to drive away exam anxiety while studying for exams. This are all tips from days in AeSI.

What I did? Well I didn't have myself the time. I was constantly doing something. Free time and thinking of what exams will be is more is sure shot way to have anxiety. So eliminate all free time. Do something if not studying read some magazine, talk over phone but keep you mind engaged in a meaningful purse. Think not of the stuff of what you want but of the stuff that you will do.

Give yourself a peg. Not of wine or something but of stuff that you will do after exams. That is every time you began to see your mind drifting on things not related to exams, say to your mind that you will thing about the thing after the exam.It worked in my case. while studying I remember that I had to something, so I wrote it down on a piece of paper with the heading things to do after exams. This freed my mind of the thing that was on my mind and helped me focus on the exam study.

To kill off anxiety this was the method that I used most. While I say my anxiety piping through me. I became physical. Yes move. Move out. Just sitting cases more. Get physical and you have high chances that anxiety will not grip you. take a walk to the nearest  tea shop. chat with a buddy. just stroll down to the corner sweetshop. This small things not only expelled my anxiety but also boosted me for another round of study session.

Well those for some of my practical tips to drive away anxiety while preparing for examinations, do share yours.

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