
Monday, December 08, 2008

4 things I learnt from debugging

4 things I learnt from the whole debugging process that my friend at the office just went through. He was into it for the last 7 days and has finally got it completed. Here I present 4 things that I learnt from all this process.

1. Don't assume. Don’t assume what the problem is, state it test it and get to the bottom of it. Don’t assume, search for facts. if you have a theory test it than say it. Do more than you think. Think and test. Not think and think.

2. First capture the big picture then delve into the details. Details are important but before going into the the details get the frame ready. see the big picture. Move back and see the whole as a problem. Set your frame right. Determine your north and south then after you have verified that you are heading the right direction then you should fine tune and get into details.

3. Keep your methods right the results will follow. Have your tools ready. Learn and set up the processes rights results will follow. Pause and setup the ground work. If your base is strong enough, things will all fall in place. So do the ground work and see that your preliminary investigation is right and the setup you have setup is based on facts not assumptions.

4. Absorb the problem first before judging or getting into  the detail. Same as the big picture. Absorb the problem than spit out your judgment. Spend time understanding the problem. Don’t state your opinions. its better to test them. Leave the judging to the judges… you just carry on small tests and experiments and draw conclusions from them.  Test everything don’t assume.

Bonus : Use bubble sort method to solve problems. From big to small. Eliminate from Big to small. More on this sometimes latter

Well this were some of things that came to mind as I saw my friend at the office finally crack the debugging nut that he was given. He was pleased and I thing many of this approach we can use to solve many of our problems.

Related : Are you seeing the big picture?


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