
Tuesday, December 09, 2008

What is Vijay Mallya doing in this Blog?

This is how Times of India defines Vijay Mallay in an interview or profile published about him way back in 2002!!


A panorama of paradoxes. into money born, but unable to spend childhood with a free hand; an inheritance which was his by right, but almost denied; a bachelor most eligible, but a marriage turned sour; a free spirit, but fettered by the label of an image. circumstances have scripted experiences of discovery and rediscovery for this man with a spectrum of silhouettes -- chairman of the ub group; rajya sabha mp; horse-lover; racing enthusiast; keen aviator; party-hopper; spiritual-seeker.... but the most dominant silhouette is that of Vijay Mallya, his own man. not for him the currency of conformity; the straitjacket of being part of the plural.

Now what is Vijay Mallya doing in this Blog? What he has to do with AeSI?

As Mr joshi has informed us already, this time AeSI’s AGM will be held in New Delhi.. what is the new thing that is going to happen. I guess nothing. I hope the AeSI alumni will be formed if things go right.

Apart from this one thing that I am excited about the AeSI AGM this time is about the new President of AeSI. This time it will be no other than Vijay Mallya. I guess in the history of AeSI or in the history of my association with AeSI he is the most flamboyant president that we will have. Yes we had Dr. Abdul Kalam, Madavan Nair and many others but this is the first time that kingfisher chairman will donning the hat.

I don't know how much this be of help to AeSI students and members but its good to know that a person I love to read about and a person who entrails passion and enthusiasm in me is going to be the president of AeSI.

For those who don't know him here's a great little bio of Mr. Mallya

Read more about Vijay Mallya in his own words or read the print format here

Read more about AeSI AGM on this blog!