
Sunday, December 07, 2008

4 tips for handling exam anxiety during the examination

AMAeSI exams are here and here is some of things that I did in my exam time. All of this has helped me in my exams. Hope they will help you too.

Don't get excited. Keep things calm. If the paper is good don't jump. Calmly begin answering. If questions seem to come out of mars don't panic and revolve your eyes in the examination hall. Be calm take deep breath and attempt the next question that you know.

If you get stuck. Pause and then think hard. If this works, good if it doesn't, don't push yourself hard. Pause… leave some space and carry on with the next section or question... this usually does the trick for me. Down the line I used to get a hint of the question I was stuck and I came back to it.

Keep a close watch on time but don't be too tight on it. Time not one question but take a more general approach. Instead of saying “I will answer 1 questions in 20 minutes!!” Define “I will cover 3 questions in an hour.” This works more than keeping a question wise timing. Some questions might take  long while some less time but you should put 1 hr 3 questions as your time target. This enables you not to look at time very often.

Lastly in all examination paper do keep last 30 mins for revision. its must!!

How to revise.

Put the answer sheet back. take the question paper read the questions you attempted and formulate point wise answers. After you covered all question check and optimise any of the answers you might have discovered while revising.

Best of luck!!!

More exams tips here