Some might have chosen a stream, some maybe contemplating? But if you ask them, they are not sure about their choice. Sing merits of structures before them and they will hop on it as it were their lifelong dream to be a structural engineer!
Well, i would like this club's member's opinion. How can anyone chose a stream? some choose aero, some choose prop, some avionics, some maintenance ? when you ask them why ? they just say " hmp....... well because so and so choose it ?" or " .... Because it's easy." or "..... because future is good in this stream!"
These are the reasons people come up with when they choose, some choose what their seniors have chosen, some go by rumors of particular stream being easy! Well, i want to know what's the correct way? How have you chosen it? Is there a better way ? Do not we evaluate ourselves first, before we take that decision? What and how we can make a choice? a debate on this subject is long over due. its time!
It's a vital decision in an AeSI's student's life, so let's spill the beans.... so that from now on they can make an informed choice.......
Shashank SHARMA had this advice...
All the streams are good and have equal job opportunities arund the world and in India too. If you have a inclination towards Aero/Structuctre or Propulsion than you opt for Aero-Mechanical Stream. But if your choice of study and work is towards Aviation Electronics than you opt for Maintainance-Avionics stream. It all depends on your choice and amount of smart work you put in to achieve your goal.
Doing AME is slightly different from doing AeSI , as AME requires you to join a DGCA accredited institute, along with required amount of technical hands-on-experience for being eligible to appear in AME examinations.
Make sure whatever you opt , try to be the "Best", then only all your desires for a bright career can come true.
What do you think?