Working in NAL had this same advantage, you got to read this magazines for free and this is one the benifit that i have enjoyed a lot. But after leaving NAL, this luxary was also withdrawn. This is when AeSI enews came into existence and i read it along with nasa websites. But there was always this desire to read an aerospace magaizine. Well today i'll tell you about a source where you can read aerospace mag for free. All you need is an internet connection and acrobat reader.
The name of the magazine is Aerospace America "Aerospace America" is USA's magazine covering Aviation. It is a source of information on the cutting-edge technologies, policy issues, and business trends that affect the profession.
The magazine's readers and contributors include leaders of the nation's major space, aeronautics, and defense programs as well as premier decision-makers in government, industry, and academia, both national and international. This magazine is owned by American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics.
Read the june 2008 issue of Aerospace America online by clicking this link
Do you know of any another such magazine that one can read online, then do tell us in comments.