The above picture captures the trend history of the 3 streams of aerospace. It captures the trend of avionics, aerodynamics and propulsion.
Every other time, there is one recurring questing in OURAeSI, which stream to choose. Though i have already written a lot on this topic.
Here again i wanted to investigate the topic in a different angle. I wanted to know which stream is popular around the world. So i looked at Google. Google has a cool service called trends, it shows the hotness of a topic, which it does by comparing the volume of searches done and the news references it gets.
So guess it is fair to say that if one particular topic is searched more than that is more in peoples mind than the other one. So i did a trend analysis of the 3 streams of aerospace, Avionics, aerodynamics and propulsion.
Avionics is blue, aerodynamics is red and propulsion is yellow.
As you will notice, avionics ranks highest. Propulsion following a close second and then comes aerodynamics.
Its seems avionics is hot stream right now followed by propulsion.
Another thing to note is that in India propulsion has the lowest trend while France takes the maximum of propulsion.
Avionics stream is taken by US after India.
Does these trends mean anything?