
Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Resume writing guidelines – a reaction to the worst resume of my life

I have already showed you all the worst crafted resume of my life. And in that I promised that when I'll get time I'll showing the mistakes and would re design the resume.  Since I have see lot of requirements in OURAeSI so I thought it high time to update you all on that.

So in this post i will give you a general structure of the resume that one should follow. While writing this I will keep the worst resume of my life in my mind.

Personal detail should be at the end. For a resume to be effective, you need to have the first page that contents all the relevant info up front. So first page of the resume is the most important.

The first thing is give in your name. Broader than anything you have, then state your phone no. And email. And briefly in one line state your location. No need to give house number or other details. Just stating behala kolkata is enough.  That is just be brief in the address. Give a general idea about your location.

Then comes the objective. Let it be brief. One line statements. As this post told you, objective is only good if its original otherwise it looses its importance. So craft a good objective or leave it.

Then if you are new a graduate. Education should be your first highlight after the objective. Be brief and to the point in it. State the year. Avoid percentage if not asked specifically. Use first class or grading level. Address of your school college is not important so skip it just give the location. For AeSI graduates follow Bishnujee’s advice and write BE aeronautical instead of AMAeSI. Why ? AMAeSI is unfortunately little known so avoid the confusions.

Then comes the important thing. Here you should rite about any practical experience you might have. Any training you attended and stuff like that. It should be the place where the recruiter will spend the most time to see if you are fit for the job so be sure when you send out the resume update this section accordingly and shuffle the list in accordance with the requirements.

Technical skills section can either come here of just after the education. make it as a bullet list. An example presented below

  • Programming Languages : FORTRAN 77 & 90 , VB ,VBA and C
  • CAE Software package  : SOLIDWORKS , CATIA v5r10, ANSYS
  • Other Software’s          : Ms OFFICE (developer and user),MATLAB

After the project summaries list, you can include the project details where you elaborate on the projects. Here also be very brief about the projects and highlight what were your responsibilities in the project.

After this you can give in your personal profile. Be brief and don’t state unnecessary details. No one will read them unless you are going for a reality show. So keep it professional.

Well this are some of the general guideline of crafting a resume. I said I have written a lot about it here, so do check it and don’t forget to get a cover letter