
Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Take pride in your AeSI degree

The moment i saw this mail and saw it was from Mr. Bishnujee. I knew i have to post it here. It needs a wider audience. It iterates the view that i have. Pride in your degree. Once you are in it. Believe in it. and Believe in yourself. As i have already pointed out here in this post that self confidence in our own degree is the need of the hour for AeSI.

Yes i do stand by the previous post of problems with AeSI degree and my unwillingness to recommend to my cousins. But i am as proud of the degree as anybody. From my experience at NAL i have told you already, AeSI guys are more than at par with the best aerospace engineers. All they lack is this belief in themselves. Many have previously pointed out this here, here and here. As i have seen this in my training days, if you are an AeSI engineer, take it to your heart that you are the best. If you have cleared AeSI honestly. You are equal to any aerospace graduate in the country or the world. And Bishnujee is the shining inspiration to us all!!!

Following is the mail of Bishnujee addressed to fellow AeSI graduates, engineers and students.

Dear AeSI Engineers & Students,
In recent times there has been sharp increase in criticism about AeSI Degree from various AeSI Engineers & Students.The pride in being AeSI Graduate is gradually fading out among newer generation of Aeronautical Engineers.I am not sure about the reasons behind it.If AeSI Graduates were not having strong Aeronautical Engineering background,they would never have received the Cayley Award 2003 from all major Industries of UK at Buckingham Palace in London on Nov 10,2003.
I know one major reason behind poor Examination result has been lack of proper training facility for AeSI students.There has not been enough pre-requisite check of students joining this programme which leads to student struggling in same.But anyway any Professional Membership Examination whether it is for AeSI or Engineering Council-UK examination for RAeS,UK where result is much lower than AeSI programme ,is never easy course work .
But as I have advised all students & Engineers coming out of AeSI to take pride in whatever you do in life.Until you take pride in whatever you do in life and feel confident that you are best in profession,you will always be lacking behind among your peers and fellow Engineers.
These are the qualities no Universities or Institutes can impart in you and you are solely responsible for developing yourself. What you learn in AeSI course work like hand calculation is the basis of Analysis of Engineering programmes which helps you decide whether the design is acceptable or not. Even if you work on Finite Element Modelling tools like Patran, Nastran,Ansys,FEMAP ,result you get should be compared using hand calculation to check whether they make sense or not and if there is any modelling error.These things you cannot do unless you are sound with you calculating and numerical skills of AeSI Course work in Solid Mechanics,Applied Mechanics,Strength of Materials,Aircraft Structures.

As I have mentioned numerous times in past that first choice after AeSI Graduation should be to work in Industry for few years,build strong foundation and based on your experience in Industry,then go for MS/MTech/ME in your career which you have been following. It helps in selecting right module which you have been working upon and you won't need further brush up while working at site or registering as Professional Engineer. Always bear in mind that AeSI Graduate with 3 years Engineering experience as full time Engineer is better than MS/MSc/MTech//ME with 1 year experience.Always Industry would prefer BE with 3 years experience in Industry first for job compared to MS or PHD with 1 or 0 year of experience.
There is no substitute for Industry experience.When I mention to you guys Industry Experience it doesn't mean working as Mechanic or Technician but only Design or Analysis Engineering whether in Aero Mechanical or Avionics Designing or Propulsion Design & testing.

Also Engineers who opting for Higher studies abroad are advised first to explore the Scholarships & Assistantship options as it might be expensive proposition doing it abroad since due differences in economy between different countries.RAeS UK administers Scholarships for MSc studies in UK.Please do bear in mind that applicants for RAeS Scholarships are not only from UK but from all across the globe with applications coming from NASA based Engineers,South African,European and Australia based Aerospace Engineers.So its highly competitive and one should be clear with his personal goals how MSc is going to benefit the Aerospace Engineer in his career.Just to mention that practical part of MSc is going to add his further knowledge acquired from AeSI won't be sufficient.Normally Industry only when its expects candidate to be very promising and excel in career is offered such competitive scholarships.Apply quite in advance before start of such course to avoid disappointment.
AIAA USA administer scholarship for MS Studies in US too.

There is no gain in criticizing AeSI Degree ,instead it would be better if you all who studying for same remain focused towards studies and do well in your exams and prospective career.Unless you have confidence and pride in yourself you will never be able to achieve any mission in life even if you get Degree from some very reputed Universities of the world leave aside AeSI.

I hope above information helps in achieving your goal.

Best wishes

As you can see he is passionate about this and i share this feeling. There's nothing wrong in expressing the wrongs of AeSI but what will ultimately matter is your pride and your self confidence. So be proud of the degree you have because if you won't then no body else will!!!