
Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Quantity or Quality....

What's more important during training while learning design software's like catia, solidworks or analysis software like NASTRAN,ANSYS or any CAE software? What will you choose Quality or Quantity?

I'll choose Quantity? Why?

For getting the maximum out of  your training, focus on the quantity. Make a commitment that you will produce one catia model,one mesh every day.  One per day is much more effective and successful strategy than focusing on quality and trying to perfect one model or mesh for weeks. Quality is important and is an essential part but a daily commitment to quantity is the way that will help you learn and achieve more. This encourages you to experiment, to go ahead and make something, make more mistakes and learn more. so whatever you are doing strive more to produce more... quality will eventually follow!!!!

If CAD program is what you are learning, commit to produce one model everyday. Don't worry if its perfect of not but keep churning out... every single model you will produce will teach you a thing. So go ahead produce.. Same goes for NASTRAN, ANSYS, HYPERMESH or fluent or any other CAE that you are learning.