AMAeSI results were just announced and as always there was a mail from Bishnujee for all the AeSI graduates. Very encouraging and useful mail for anyone regarding options that AeSI graduates have after AeSI.
Dear AeSI Graduates,
Congratulations to all new AeSI Graduates and I hope they keep up the good work in future. It always advisable for new Graduates whenever they
graduate that they try not only newspaper openings but also try all avenues ,sometimes openings are remain unadvertised and if you are able to get in touch through mail or email,you should be able to get better opening than OJT through AeSI. Also don't blindly follow what your fellow Graduate or senior mate is doing in there career. Every case is individual basis and many not be viable for every individual.
Your main stress after AeSI should be to get first job with companies like Airbus,Bangalore, Quest, Infotech, Patni, Satyam, Wipro, TCS as starting point. Try getting into project which are in Aircraft manufacturing sector rather than Research sector unless you have mind set up to be in Research arena in your future career.
The reason why MTech/ME/MS is not advisable in India immediately is that there is no guarantee that you might be ending up in your first job in similar field. Its always advisable to work for 7-8 years after AeSI before venturing into ME/MTech/MSc coursework based on your field of work for those 7-8 years. You will gain professionally better that way.
There is also other side of it based on individual back ground or his ability to pull off scholarship from places like Royal Aeronautical Society,London or AIAA,USA,CASI,canada or family support from India for further studies like MSc/MS in UK/US/Canada/Australia to meet CEng Licensing Academic requirement which is minimum accredited MS/MSc from these countries only. Your experience after MSc is only considered for registration with EC-UK.Usually RAeS pays for full tuition & maintenance fees if you are successful with them in obtaining one of prestigious scholarships. But its on competitive based from applicants across the world since RAeS is present in all 5 continents of the world. There is no harm in trying such option as it gives you chance to succeed. Details about there programme available on
Try first of all for Scholarship options and if that is not possible usual financial support from family or bank in India which is usual practice in 98% cases for Graduates from India.
I hope it helps in your decision making in your future career.
Best wishes
Thanks Bishnujee.
If you have further questions regarding options after AMAeSI, please free free to post them in the comments, I will try to answer them.
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