
Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Not finishing section A in the stipulated 2 years

A few weeks back someone who has completed section A of AMAeSI, asked me if his not finishing the section a in the 2 years time a concern.

Not finishing section A in the stipulated 2 years is that a problem?

Well if you can finish it within the 2 years term its all well and you should always aim to get it done by that time.

But for reasons we all know, if you fall back and don't quite hit that timeline, Does this affect you anyway?

Well not significantly. Things don't go nasty until this gap is not too large. So strive to get to it but don't worry too much if it waivers little bit.

Generally if the gap is visible and noticeable be prepared to answer these following questions in your interviews.

  1. What took you so long?
  2. Why there is a gap in completing the degree?
  3. What you did during that time?

That doesn't look good but don't worry about it much. Just concentrate on section B now. Keep your focus on the next level.

Now is the time when you need to think of the skills. Skills are the bridges that can make people overlook this stuff, so when you are in section B, use it as a skills development platform apart from the usual study.

Set some time, like an hour a day, just to build some skills. The skills may be range from working on a cad program, programming to communication, learning Microsoft excel. Anything but its always worthwhile to begin by putting in the time to build internal skills in section B.

Best of luck.

I know I have just barely scratched the surface, please fill in your comments here.


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