
Monday, March 16, 2009

Use a stopwatch

Do you feel lazy, lethargic to get up? Unmotivated to do your tasks? Gripped with inertia?

If any of this is true then get your stopwatch and put it to good use.

I was feeling lazy and didn't had the mood to write anything, nor was the mind supplying any ideas. After a hour of struggle, i decided to use my stopwatch and made a decision that in the next ten minutes i.ll write something for my-aesi and now i am writing this on my mobile.

Suprisingly it has uprooted my lazyness, blasted my inertia and rolled my mind into action. So whenever you find yourself unmotivated, lazy to get up, inert to take an action. Take out the trusty stop watch, set it to beep after ten minutes and decide to do one specific task till then.

My stopwatch just beeped! :)