
Friday, February 13, 2009

What if your plans go haywire?

turbofan-engine-rolls-royce-on-the-podWhat if your plans go haywire? What if your well laid out action steps are turned meaningless by an external factor. 


Like your time table for study is ruined since that time is now taken by an unscheduled extra class. In my case this has happened recently when my office timing changed and my well formed routine got twisted. I am still trying to cope up with it. But here are 3 things that has helped me so my plans of goals are still on track.


  • First hour of walking is very important for me. This is when I execute most of my plans.  I get up and do the stuff that I need to do. So utilize the first hour of your day and you will have most productive all day long.


  • Second thing  that I did was stop thinking start doing. Yes doing is what will take you closer to your goals so stop thinking and begin doing.


  • Now doing is always not that easy. My action plan for this was start with a small step. Small step that requires no extra effort. Like if I need to write an article I just begin it outline it. If I have to begin a big project assignment I begin breaking down the big thing to small steps and begin doing the first small steps.

All this small steps stack up and are helping me when my plans go haywire.


Do you any such tips and experience. Do share it with me.