
Thursday, February 12, 2009

AeSI Training: 11 questions to ask yourself before deciding on training

Training is an integral part of AeSI students journey. Its one thing that had huge impact in my career, this was the point where my confidence in my abilities and education increased. Read 6 reasons for doing training after AeSI to know more about it.

Here is the list of eleven questions that can help you decide is training for you and what exactly will you gain from it.

  1. What is my goal for doing the training?
  2. Is there an alternate way I can fulfill this goal?
  3. What skills I will develop with this training?
  4. Are the skills congruent with my specialization?
  5. How much time I'll spend on the tools?
  6. Does the skills I will learn congruent with my job goals?
  7. Is the mentor I will be working under well known or known to be good?
  8. What are my 3 specific targets from this training?
  9. How long I am willing to put in the time in what I do?
  10. Do I really believe all the answers I have written?
  11. How will you quantify your success at the training?

Hope answering this questions will help you see the direction you want to take after your AeSI. Answering this sure did helped me in my journey. will share my answers to this questions in a latter post