
Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Share a Software Tool Tip for fellow AeSI buddy

I recon that now each and every AeSI guys at whatever stage he is in is more proactive in his or her professional development than AeSI students and graduates a few years back. In my days of AeSI, the buzz and information was scare but now in the age of internet and so many communities and outlets for AeSI students and graduates it will be pure stupid to make the assumption that AeSI guys and gals are not in touch.

This made me think that each and every one of you might be working on a tool in your work or in your professional development, For some it might be catia, or solidworks or unigraphics or matlab, ansys, or c or excel or something else. so why not each one of you who is reading this post please share one tip that you have and believe can benefit of the AeSI community. Lets share one tip. It can be anything from a specific tip on a particular software or a general tip on how to begin a tool.

To get you started my tip is that if you want to learn any tool, first of see the whole picture of the tool and then begin small and do it daily?

Share your software tool learning tips?