
Saturday, July 19, 2008

Booming indian aerospace - tips so you don't miss the bus part-2

In this series i am talking about five tips that aesi graduates should do to be part of the aerospace boom that is happening in India. The global aerospace industry is looking at india and china as the engines of growth. So here's the second tip so that you don't left behind. This is the second tip for aesi graduates. Read the first tip here.

Second thing that an aesi graduate should realize is that your strength is your course and the study you did, so be the best in it. By being the best i mean that all the basic questions and topics of flights, propulsion, and aerodynamics should be at your fingertips. While in aesi, don't leave the principle of flights book. Have it as your constant companion. It covers most of the questions that you will face in interviews. So have your basics ready. This is what gururaj also said once.

Being proud of your degree is good but lacking of basis is serious disadvantage. So be strong in them. For a fresher and also for seasoned aesi graduates, the most common interview question will be on his or her favorite subject, so make one subject your favorite. By making i mean, delve into it and have the basics of that subjects in your finger tips,. As a propulsion engineer, mine favorite subject is thermodynamics and i have to be prepared to answer all the basic questions that can come up from this subject.

Don't make a big mistake in this. Capitalize on your strengths How to do this?

3 step plan that i can suggest and i personally use to stay updated in my basics of the subject mentioned above.

Use 30 minutes daily to read an aerospace topic, Read only the basics, like thermodynamics, basic aerodynamics, mach number and all that. Since you will be reading basic so 30 minus is sufficient. ASM folks can read asm subject basics.

Share your knowledge, answer questions in ouraesi and aesi groups. Put some different perspective of the topic you read and discuss of share an interesting or otherwise insight on the things you studied. Use the groups. They are all fellow aesi folks and they will appreciate and learn from it and in turn you will strengthen the topic in your mind.

Play around with an idea and toss it in different direction, apply in the things you see and do during the day. This will fix the data in your mind and your mind will be more receptive the next time you hear a term regarding the topics you read. For example, my most recent topic was torque. So whenever i am seeing things i am relating this topic.

Well this are the steps that one can use to keep his basics strong and keep them from rusting. Use your imagination. Its very powerful tool and if you can use it fairly its can take you higher than any thing you can think.

So to sum up, being prepared is the another thing that an AeSI graduate or student should be doing to catch the aerospace boom! The previous step instilled self confidence and this will show that the confidence is based on solid foundation. So keep your foundation strong!

Please give in your suggestions that i might have missed out in the comments.