
Saturday, July 19, 2008

Aviation vs Aerospace

Aviation vs aerospace. Which do you think is most in the news. Yes you are right if you choose aviation. With rising fuel cost, aviation is the king in terms of search volumes as you can see from the picture of google trends shown below.

@ Aviation @ Aerospace

So what does this mean for aesi or aeronautics engineers?

Aviation sector is always hotter, more jobs, more opportunities. But aerospace is directly linked to it. As aviation grows, aerospace will also follow. So will the rise of fuel cost affect the aerospace industry. Well yes it might but how much i don't know. IF the fuel hike is contained and doesn't run for long, maybe aerospace industry will circumvent the turbulence. But if the fuel continue reaching higher and higher then like all industry things will be slow down in aerospace. But how does that translate to aerospace engineers? Are your jobs secure, or will they feel the shake.. i have no idea, here i think your interpersonal and ability to learn and adopt with the changing circumstances will be the need of the hour.

So while in the beginning stage of your career, let yourself blossom, expand your horizon and be prepared for everything. Stalling is not an option. Remember you are an aerospace engineer and space not sky should be your limit!!!

Related : Some useful job links that you must bookmark!!