
Sunday, July 20, 2008

Aerospace boom in india - First thing you should do so you don't miss the opportunity

With indian aerospace sector boom and HCL and other companies getting preferred supplier tags from EADS, there is no better time for an aerospace engineer in india. This rush of recognition and work is bound to create demand for aerospace engineers and the first thing that you can do so that you are not left out of this aerospace wave is get your CV updated.

CV or resume is the most important document that will help you ride the wave. So have some good CV related articles. I like this resource more than anything. so here are some of the links for good CV. All aerospace engineers or for the matter anyone should read them if they plan to make a change.

CV writing: Keep it honest, relevant, simple

8 things to make an impressive CV

12 things your CV should not have

Switched many jobs, Easy CV and interview tips

Related : 5 things AeSI graduates can do to take advantage of aerospace surge

For AeSI related specific job search and CV writing tips click here