
Thursday, July 14, 2005

Secrets of AeSI.

What a topic. Someone will say are you mad? Are you crazy? Who knows about this?

It’s like answering what is love? And every person has his or her own opinion. Well true and I am not denying that but then also they write on that topic then why not write on this one.

Well without further delays lets get on.

AeSI secrets are not nuclear, nor are they atomic that you have to bring out a microscope to see them they are more common which sometimes we fail to notice.

First secret is believe that AeSI is not invincible. Remove any doubts you may have that you cannot clear AeSI that you may have. Many have cleared it and many more will. All you need is a focused, dedicated preparation and no-mistake uneventful exam and you are in the safe side of AeSI. First positive step you might take is to stay focused in your preparation and in exams stay concentrated.

More often than we care to think, it’s the exam fright; exam goof ups in the examination hall that cost us the ever-elusive 50% marks than our preparation.

So jot this point in your memory.

Second secret of AeSI is there is no tough subject, no easy subject. Every subject is as important as it can be. All that is required is preparation. "Yeah yeah what do you know?” you may say, but this is coming from a guy who gave flights 4 times before he finally cleared. It only experience in AeSI that I claim that for. All you need is right positive attitude and the right focused preparation. I have seen AeSI guys preparing for flights for the 5th time but they all have one thing in common they are all negative. They don't show confidence. Oh what will happen in flights, what will they ask? No one asks oh what have I left? But will ask what if he asks instruments. They hanker more on what they don't know than knowing and learning what they don't know.

Another common mistake is i didn’t have enough time in exam. Well exams are taken to see how resourceful and time punctual you are they are there to see other than your knowledge how do you manage a pressure situation.

Third secret of AeSI is that there is no such thing that ”This will come, this will not come!!!” I don’t know what and how the exam papers are set, but one thing I have and many of you must have noticed and learned from AeSI papers is that don’t predict the topic of question that may come and not come it never works in AeSI. Believe me. I have first hand experience as in case of P2 paper in my time when my paper was an exact 70% copy of the immediate previous semester’s question!!! And take the recent paper of VMD, when the paper setter completely ignored the governor, flywheel and went off-track thus shocking every VMD examinee.

So stay away from “this will come and that will come routine”, the further you are from this argument the better it will be for you and more pleasant will be your experience with AeSI!

And last of all, While in a 7 days site seeing visit at Rai Barrelli , we were introduced to an AMAeSI engineer who was some head in IGRUA. I don’t remember his name, but I do have clear picture in my head about the middle age boyish man, grinning at us, as we gathered around him. There with a smile he announced to us, “Complete this degree, and then sky is the limit!” I believed that guy that day and I still believe him and if you do believe him, so keep working hard!

Related links

Fulfill your dreams in Aeronautics with AeSI

Confessions of an AeSI guy from HAL

I am proud of AeSI