
Thursday, July 15, 2010

Small projects - the what and how

In this two part series of post we are discussing small personal
projects. Last post discussed why working on small project is
important and this post will discuss what are small projects and how
to impliment them in your life!!

Small project is something that you have selected. Small project is
something that helps you learn or develop your skills. Small project
is not something part of your work. Small project is something that
you will complete in one or two weeks.

Anything that takes longer than two weeks, is part of your work
delivery, is not helping you stretch your boundaries is not a small

So definition of small project being set, let see what they can be?

They can be anything. Anything that teaches and adds new skills is a
project. So take a hard look at what skills do you have and what you
want. Small projects should be the bridge between them.

Let's take my recent project. Developing excel games for my daughter.
I am a reasonably good programmer. I have worked on and developed lot
of engineering softwares.

I have even developed excel applications to support development of a
new gas turbine engine. But it occurred to me, except from window
based forms I haven't really meddled with graphics and sounds in excel.

So I took up this excel project of creating small, simple and
straightforward games in excel. My daughter loves them. And so far I
am improving my excel skills along the way.

Similarly you need to select things that apply to your present
situation. If you are using catia, accelerate your cad skills by
designing your own bike in it.

Hope this two posts have pushed you a step closure to take up your
very own small project.

Do let me know how you are planning to use this concept!!
