
Friday, July 16, 2010

Shun shortcuts while learning CAE softwares

When learning a cad software like catia or ug or learning an analysis
software like nastran, hypermesh, icem, fluent etc, shun shortcuts.

This is the simple but most effective way to learn that specific

Shun keyborad shortcuts. Don't use toolbars. Intead of choosing the
plot contour option from the toolbar, hunt them on the file menu.
Instead of zooming with one keyboard command, hunt the relevant
command in the menus!

Why this helps in learning that software better?

Instead of going for the easiest route, you dig into the file menus.
This exposes you to many other command. You absorb other commands even
if you are not using them regularly.

Menu commands are arranged in a specific manner and accessing those
regularly make you understand which commands form a particular group.

Using menu commands make you more robust. They will always be same in
any system you work. Users can arrange toolbars easily but specific
commands in the menu system remain the same, so the habit of using
menu commands will come handy if you switch systems.

Find more info on mastering specific CAE tools by searching the blog
via this link