
Wednesday, July 14, 2010

What if you don't have access to any CAE softwares?

If you are long term reader of this blog, you know how much I emphasis
on learning a tool. Software are tools and if you want to be an
accomplished engineer, you have to master one.

But what if you don't have access to high end CAD and analysis
softwares. What if catia is unavailable, no access to ansys or any
other tool. What then should you do?

Well learn excel. Yes Microsoft excel. You don't realize now, how much
of your work you might be doing in this all pervasive tool.

From sorting out coordinates, checking values from a program to lots
and lot of daily work, excel will stand with you.

So master it.

If you don't have access to world class, state of the art, CAE tools,
turn your attention to the humble yet powerful tools that's idling in
your hard drive. Excel being one of them!!

Search all software related tools post by clicking the following link.