
Sunday, February 21, 2010

Why update your resume series?

If you are a long term reader of this blog then, I hope you haven't
missed the ongoing series of posts on update your resume.

Now a friend of mine who reads this blog commented to me why this update your resume series? Why now?

To answer, I again hope you haven't missed the new's advert. It declares bye bye recession!!

Well that's why?

Job hoping, job hunting, job filling, taking people for bench will be the new rage
now and as the flood gates open, resume is your ultimate marketing tool. A tool that will bring the new interview offers that will eventually come in Market.

So as the Market improves, it's wise and intelligent effort to polish your only marketing tool, your key to the door!!

Whatever you do in office, in your training organisation, in your room will amount to none if it's not marketed well. Hence the series.

My friend is in the same process of updating his resume and I began the series just to be keep in line with him.

So what are you waiting for, close the browser window, end the catia session, stop the CFD run and update your resume!! There's no better time to do this than now.

Find all series of update your resume

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