
Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Training is all about your Mentors work

What is training? We talk about this so much in this blog and training is a part of every AeSI students life.

Well for some its the AeSI’s on job training (or OJT as it is called) that you can land once you complete your degree and have 60% overall. And for others training is what you initiate by yourself by approaching the scientist at NAL, ADA or GTRE ADE etc

Now in all this training, why are you selected? Well your eligibility maybe a factor but when you are assigned to a mentor in the training, it not about you? It all about the mentor. The mentor had some tasks and assignments in his mind when he choose you. Keep that in mind and honor that.

The tasks and assignments that you get might not seem challenging but they are important to your mentor that's why they are assigned to you.

In the beginning, the tasks will be of low value, seem to have little challenge, but they really are your test of how much you are capable of, what you know and how you execute them. These tasks are the stepping stone on getting some good and challenging assignmentSo do them as good you can and always add value to the work you do, it will always be noticed. The work you do will bring more work and pave the way for the assignments that you will like.

So whenever you are in training phase always remember its not about you? It about the work you do for your mentor. Its some real work that you are doing for him or her!!

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