
Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Take baby steps to enjoy the journey.

Take baby steps to enjoy the journey. The journey of your learning, the journey of your training. Now what do I mean by this?

Have you ever noticed that you enjoy your food more when you eat slowly, bit by bit and in small chunks  rather than taking it in big gulps. Well same thing is applicable to all other areas of life from learning a new software or doing some assignment, learning about a new subject.

Taking baby steps is the way to go. Break your big steps in small chunks and execute them one by one. The basic idea is to break down the step in such little steps that you don't need to do think about the step any more All that is needed is execution.

This happened in my last assignment. I was handed a big project and as I went to it it looked so big, even the assignments were not so clear. I didn't knew where to begin. I just had some tasks and deadline but no head way to proceed.

So what I did? I sat down and listed all the steps that I wanted to do before. I dissected the whole process into microscopic steps, every obstacle was curved into new exploration steps and this explorations lead me to new roads and finally I never knew how quickly I completed that assignment.

So whatever be your journey, take baby steps.