
Friday, March 13, 2009

Story of My-AeSI

How this blog began? today I will be telling you the little story of this blog

Back in 2004 when I was Chennai studying in GIE for the AMAeSI, I was an active member of OURAeSI, and weekly or sometimes more I used to pen my silly and sometimes not so silly thoughts there.

When I began OURAeSI yahoo 2 years back, I was all alone in that group and my ramblings never bothered anyone but in late 2004 I began to get many emails from unknown students and members of OURAeSI asking me stop flooding there emails with my ramblings. I was amused, the groups mails were opt in and the guys themselves wanted those mails but when they received any mail that was not related to job requirements they shot an email to me to stop filling there email accounts.

Understandably I ignored first few emails but down the line again those few mails resurfaced. So it was then I saw that obviously I was doing too much of the mails in the yahoo OURAeSI group and around that time I w also began to notice the blogging phenomenon so I went ahead and created my first blog and thus my-aesi was born.

Read the first post here in this archive. I am glad I did so. Since then I have filled all my thoughts as student, as AeSI pass out, as a trainee and as a working professional in aerospace industry here. Now when I see back I see this long tail of my transition and some advice that I wanted to pass on to the folks of AeSI.

The blog basically gave me the outlet, the easy medium to share whatever I learnt in all my stages of life. I could have stopped the blog just getting a job but I feel that just as this blog summarizes my journey thought AeSI and after, it will help AeSI students who come after me. This will be one more resource apart from the innumerable others that are available now. (See my post on AeSI community)

This is how this personal blog about AeSI came into being. Hope it has helped you as it has helped me grow.

Read the archive of this blog