
Saturday, March 14, 2009

4 Reasons Why Resume is the Best Preparation Guide.

In this blog I have always advocated making resume as your preparation guide for any job interview. Though I have already mentioned it why I think so but today I thought why not summarize the whole points here. so here we go my Top four reasons why resume is the best preparation guide.

  1. The resume is your first impression to the employer. The first thing that connects you to the employer, to the organization. You will be called for an interview based on the contents of the resume. 
  2. Your first question will sprout from this very soil. What you write here will decide the question that the interviewer will ask and begin interviewing you. Its this document that will chart the path of the your interview and the alleys and nooks you will visit during your interview.
  3. The resume is structured so your preparation can go in a structured way. With a resume, when you prepare for your interview, you won’t jump here and there. Keeping the resume handy will help you see what you need to read on and what are the things you need to prepare for the interview.
  4. As resume is a document that gives an overall picture of your career and education, so keeping it open while preparing for the interview questions will help you get more focused on what to talk in the interview and how those answers relate to your overall career. Your resume helps you see the big picture while framing your answers for the interview.

well that’s it. I have just barely touched the surface , please do add in your comments.

50 interview question and answer that you might want to read