
Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Software,Training and AeSI graduates

Someone from Hyderabad AeSI had the following queries

hello sir ,

I have just completed my AESI, IN HYDERABAD I came to know about this site and registered myself today. I have not received my final marks list  yet. I have seen that you have done many programming languages . I haven't done nothing other than the course. I don't have any proper guidance here in Hyderabad. so please tell me should I learn any soft wares ?.and  some of my friends told that we would get an apprentice training letter after completing the course,is it true.And do companies take AeSI fresher? are their jobs for AeSI graduates. I have so many doubts,please give me guidance. hoping that you will send a reply soon

Instead of replying to his question in an individual email I thought its better if I answer them here so others too can join in the discussion.

Please tell me should I learn any softwares ?

aesi-training-softwares-used-by-aesi-graduatesBy all means learn software, they are the tools of the trade so one shouldn’t be shy in learning them. So what are the software that AeSI graduate should learn. I have already mentioned software tools used by aeronautical engineers list, you can start with these. For computer language please do go ahead and at least have one language under your belt. Here in the post titled SUCHANDSUCH where I elaborated why you should learn a programming language.

If you don’t have access to any of the software tools mentioned and are apprehensive of any programming language then by all means take up excel as this is the most used tool in the engineering domain. This is one of the software that will be very much be a part of your work life so learn it, excel in it.


Some of my friends told that we would get an apprentice training letter after completing the course,is it true

Yes its true, You might want to see the notification on AeSI’s website at for information in this regards. Moreover having certificates and training before getting a job is always a good thing, They are some of the things that a new graduate of AeSI can highlight in his or her resume apart from the educations. This is also an opportunity when you acquire skills required for the industry.


And do companies take AeSI fresher's?

Yes they do. Just as any other engineering graduate you have a chance to be a in any company. In all aerospace companies that are in India, you will at least find one AeSI engineer. So take heart and go ahead. All you need to get a job after AeSI graduation is confidence+skills. Here’s a list of companies that I have in this blog where I mentioned some of the companies AeSI graduates are working in. Its bit old and need updating, but I am sure it will give you and idea about the spread of AeSI graduates in the Indian and world aerospace industry.


Are there jobs for AeSI graduates?

By all means, jobs are available for AeSI Graduates. You do have the best knowledge, you just need to add on the other skills to get off to a great start. I will recommend reading this series that I had a while back to set yourself to a great start in your career. As I have already sated ideally landing in a job just after your graduations depends on what you do in the your last semester. So read it here.

Well this were some of the answers that  I knew answers too, I have barely scratched the surface, I am sure many of senior AeSI graduates will have there own inputs so sing them here in the comments. What do you think? How is the industry receiving AeSI graduates?


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