
Monday, March 02, 2009

Job Searching and Preparation for Job Interview

resume-job-anyone Job searching and preparation for the job interview should go hand in hand.

When you are searching for a job? Begin your preparation at the same time or well ahead of time. Sometime the short notice and a quick call can ruin the interview if you aren't well prepared.

Now you will ask how can I prepare if I don't know for which job I am preparing for?

Well use your resume as the job preparation guide. Its the one document from which your interview will begin and it is the place where the whole discussion technical or otherwise will hover around.

So begin your preparation from your resume. This not only focuses your actions but is much better than waiting for the interview call.

So if you are planning to get to the interviews in a month or two time then, get your resume updated and begin your interview preparation based on that resume.

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